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Bring topics forward for meaningful discussion and remember to respect our community. No memes, doxxing, piracy of material still in print, overt glorification or junk posts. 14K subscribers in the Dahmer community. I’m with you, I’m fascinated by Dahmer but like most empathetic people get disturbed by… well really disturbing things. The Milwaukee Cannibal was murdered by a fellow prison inmate, Christopher Scarver, at around 8am on November 28 1994. did chumlee get life in prison This is a place for discussion related to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. He was given a life sentence, not a death penalty and it's a shame that he was killed in the prison where he was supposed to be protected. This is a place for discussion related to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. It is a guy who drugged himsrlf to the point he cut his own face and gave it to the dogs as food. westlakefinancial This is a place for discussion related to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. This is a place for discussion related to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Unlike Twitter or LinkedIn, Reddit seems to have a steeper learning curve for new users, especially for those users who fall outside of the Millennial and Gen-Z cohorts If you think that scandalous, mean-spirited or downright bizarre final wills are only things you see in crazy movies, then think again. They seem widely circulating on the web and being hard to find at the same. statewins celeb It is a guy who drugged himsrlf to the point he cut his own face and gave it to the dogs as food. ….

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